Bluebell Shoot Report and Results


May 28th 2019

Our Bluebell woods were in full splendour for our April Open shoot, attracting 106 archers on the day.  Thankfully the winds of Storm Hannah had abated overnight, to make shooting more comfortable.  On our Savannah course, the ingeniously rigged moving bear caused much discussion, as did the much-blanked caiman alligator on our Bluebell course, that used its camouflage to good effect, lurking almost unnoticed on our over-the-pond shot. Thanks go to Stefan and Phil for their challenging courses.  In the catering hut, new members Nadine and Amy proved invaluable additions to our regular team of Lorrain and Roy to keep everyone happy.  Our next Shoot is our September 8th Friendly, which will have a rolling start and full catering and all four courses for you to enjoy.

Open shoot results

Ladies Longbow

Liz Robertson Fleet Ibex 412
Many Linn Rat Pack 392
Shauna Innell South Wilts 372
Jackie Willoughby Independent 332
Lesley Dutton Independent 324

Gentlemen Longbow

Ben Knight COPRA 540
Rob Pointon MEDSOC 526
David Smith MEDSOC 492
Simon Pratt Bridgewood 484
Rob Slatem Templar Bowman 472
Paul Skippins COPRA 444
Paul Bromwich Independent 436
Richard Huggett MEDSOC 416
Kieron Andrews MEDSOC 314

Junior Longbow

Ethen Huggett MEDSOC 428
Kieren Trex MEDSOC 394

Ladies Hunting Tackle

Jan Seed Invicta 560
Linda Palmer Rat Pack 452
Amanda Grindall Independent 416
Anna Swan Wight Co of FA 376
Helena Montero Independent 250

Gentlemen Hunting Tackle

Steve Rand Invicta 692
Steve Taylor Alresford B’men 676
David Curwen Independent 636
Ken Payne Magic Dragon 632
Peter Eldridge COPRA 576
Peter Parker Rat Pack 544
Graham Eldridge Independent 538
Robert Moore Bridgewood 506
Terry Rendle Magna Carta 504
Dave Terry Rat Pack 448
Tim Seed Invicta 442
Alan Jones Rat Pack 362
Charles Liston Independent 352
Brian Grindall Independent 308
Brian Briggs Independent 276
Tom Tomczyk Hartspring 268

Ladies American Flat Bow

Cathy Kerr Wight Co of FA 488
Stacey Payne Wight Co of FA 416
Nikki Marr Senlac 254

Gentlemen American Flat Bow

Darren Hawkins Alresford Bowmen 646
Phil Adams Rat Pack 618
Denis Alston Independent 586
Stephen Hinton Independent 518
Michael Maxen Cloth of Gold 432
Barrie Cooper Independent 356
Danny Sanders Wight Co of FA 278

Gentlemen Barebow

John Barcroft Archers of Battle 714
Glenn Bolton Bridgewood 604
Roy Fisher MEDSOC 580
Andrew Lehane Hna 560

Gentlemen Free Style

Alex Smith Independent 798
Terry Wentworth Westcott Archers 634
Luke Hagon Independent 616

Gentlemen Bow Hunter

Tony Fuller Senlac 716
Philip Maher Independent 596
Nick Appleton Independent 454

Ladies Compound Unlimited

A. Beddard Smith Independent 820
Sue Dickenson Independent 802
Soo Davison Fleet Ibex 760

Gentlemen Compound Unlimited

Michael Lee Hartspring 882
Stewart Fenwick Independent 876
Lee Brown Bridgewood 860
Mile Davidson Fleet Ibex 834
Steve Dickenson Independent 822
Robin Shelley Fleet Ibex 796
Nick Hearn Hartspring 790
Jason Sawdy Avalon 764
Robin Brown Bridgewood 756

Gentlemen Bow Hunter

Tony Fuller Senlac 680

Gentlemen Cross Bow

Shaun Eldridge Independent 878

Ladies Traditional Bow Hunter

Linda Lehane Hna 400

Gentlemen Traditional Bow Hunter

Ben Ringshaw Fleet Ibex 748
Josh Taylor Magic Dragon 706
John Nicholls South Wilts 644
James Taylor Magic Dragon 472
Ben Edwards Senlac 456


Club Handicap Competition

Lady Gent
Karen Freeman Alan Ruffle

Club Results

Cub Barebow Under 9

Megan Godman 440

Ladies Longbow

Freda Marshall 488
Sylvia Marshall 460

Gentlemen Longbow

Alan Ruffle 592
Martin Argent 564
Phil Stratton 482

Ladies American Flat Bow

Karen Freeman 582

Ladies Hunting Tackle

Rebecca Pickering 218

Gentlemen Hunting Tackle

Paul Brewer 602
Stan Brown 590
Paul Simmons 518
Antal Dobondi 500

Gentlemen Barebow

George Sprostranov 604
Jai Roberts 462
Paul Wilson 440
Tim Godman 364

Gentlemen Traditional Bow Hunter

Ian Christie 760
Pedro Portello 626

Gentlemen Cross Bow

Chris Harwood 824