Shoot Report
Our first open shoot for 15 months was a cautious affair, with a limited number of slots to not fall foul of Covid restrictions and so keep Boris happy. The bright, often sunny day welcomed 65 archers to our woods. All seemed to cope wonderfully with the staggered and timed starting system that saw groups of 4 beginning every 10 minutes, alternating between our Creek and Bluebell courses. Visitor numbers may only have been half our usual limit, but those who attended had smiles enough for two, as they happily tried to get to grips with a competitive shoot again after so long being deprived!
Those who started on Creek were immediately faced with a moving target shot from the top of one of our containers. Fiendishly set up by course layer Martin and manned by his small team of dedicated helpers, as a first target it proved a rude awakening for some very rusty archers!
Our Bluebell course was a little late with its usual carpet of flowers, though it’s doubtful many actually noticed, as they were too busy concentrating on the targets, so as not lose more than their usual compliment of stray arrows.
“Brilliant!”… “Great to be back!”…“I’ve really missed shoots,” seemed to be the most common comments. So much so, in fact, that the lack of catering did nothing to dampen spirits. Thanks, as usual, go to all those who worked hard to lay the brilliant courses Phil, Martin A, Martin S, Stefan and anyone else who had a hand in making sure they were ready for the day. Also special mention goes to our Membership Secretary Sally, for mustering all the splendid marshals and generally multi-tasking on the day.
Open shoot results
Gentlemen Longbow
Ken Payne Magic Dragon 640
Nick Lea Ratpack 504
Mike Yates Longbow Heritage 498
Patrick Hutchinson N Somerset FA 450
Paul Briggs Independent 312
Brian Briggs Independent 272
Ladies Primitive
Shana Innell South Wilts 342
Gentlemen Primitive
Alan Jones Ratpack 376
Tony Cox Independent 306
Ladies Hunting Tackle
Linda Palmer Ratpack 512
Mandy Linn Ratpack 486
G Hernandez Raven FA 430
Kim Lea Ratpack 382
Linda Yates Bridgewood 314
Gentlemen Hunting Tackle
Steve Rand Bridgewood 696
Simon Rivers Magic Dragon 664
Nigel Pogson Raven FA 548
Alan White South Wilts 524
Mike List South Wilts 502
Terry Rendle Magna Carta 500
Robert Head Raven FA 498
Colin West Ratpack 454
Gentlemen American Flat Bow
Roger Massey 1066 Field Archers 714
Rod Harris Fleet Ibex 654
Andy Doyle Independent 568
James Brown Magic Dragon 528
Barrie Cooper Independent 464
Gerry May Longbow Heritage 450
Ladies Bare Bow
Jane Rivers Magic Dragon 396
Gentlemen Bare Bow
John Barcroft 1066 Field Archers 780
Terry Stevens Independent 740
Ken Sparham Aurora 628
Glenn Bolton Bridgewood 624
Martin Joy Aurora 618
Cub Bare Bow
Kalli Simmonds Bridgewood 432
Gentlemen Free Style
Patrick Wright Avalon 764
Andrew Devlin Independent 662
Mike Youngman Ratpack 556
Garry Egglestone Aurora 452
Ladies Compound Unlimited
Soo Davidson Fleet Ibex 736
Gentlemen Compound Unlimited
Gary Cole Independent 980
Mike Davidson Fleet Ibex 832
Stewart Fenwick 1066 Field Archers 824 (15 spots, 11 kills)
John White Raven 824 (15 spots, 9 kills)
Andrew Law Fleet Ibex 824 (11 spots)
Steve Palmer Raven FA 812
Jason Sawdy Independent 700
Ken Scott Raven 692
Ladies Traditional Bow Hunter
Jan Seed Bridgewood 506
Emma Ralph Raven FA 494
Lenka Volovska 1066 Field Archers 446
Gentlemen Traditional Bow Hunter
Phil Adams Ratpack 674
Ben Ringshaw Fleet Ibex 624 (3 spots)
Keith Burton Independent 624 (2 spots)
Dan Simmonds Bridgewood 616
Tim Seed Bridgewood 604
Andy Haynes Magic Dragon 578
Dave Moore 1066 Field Archers 576
Roy Fisher Bridgewood 568
John Nicholls South Wilts 562
Chris Perks South Wilts 554